Thursday, March 19, 2015

What A Residual Income Formula Will Help You Achieve Financial Freedom

Who is not dreaming about financial freedom? Financial freedom is a way of life when you don't bother yourself looking for a job or working every day. That's why residual income is a great way to achieve your  financial freedom.

According to the residual income definition, residual income is a type of income generated on a regular basis without you taking any actions. Watch the presentation below to learn what is residual income:

Now you know what passive income and its main types. Now lets talk about how to use it to gain financial freedom and never look for a new job again.

Tips for gaining financial freedom:

Tip 1. Take your time to build assets

Try not to be limited to earning money from your regular job. Think about anopportunity that will allow generate income again and again if you build it only once.

After all, you do not want to be one of those people who live in thier old age on one miserable pension.

Tip 2. Strive to creat multiple sources of residual income

If you can create multiple sources of residual income, your financial security is in safe hands, and if you lose one source of income, then the other will keep generating you money. Make residual income assets on your free time, in the evening or whenever you have an idea and few hours to work.

I recommend that you read the book by Robert Allen "Multiple sources of income." It will help you better understand the importance of this principle.

Tip 3. Invest in self-education and raise the level of your financial literacy

The first and the main asset in which you have to invest is you!

I recommend you to read all the series of books "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki as well as the book "Money Does ABC Money" Bodo Schaeffer.

These books are considered to be fundamental for the understanding of the functioning of money and creation of your own residual income.

If you would like to know more residual income ideas, here is a great video that will help you out:

As you can see, there are no secrets to gaining financial freedom with residual income, but as you know, it is not that easy to pull the fish out of the pond.

Act now and maybe in a few months you will get closer to realization of your dreams - a free and exciting life, that so many people desire!

How to make residual income online

If you are interested in a subject of making money, then you are in the right place. A dream of many people is to make money without working. If you're one of these people, then this article is for you!

In this article you will learn  how to make residual income and live the life of your dreams!

Surely you can not wait to see how you can create your residual income stream, so read further to get your answer.

What do you need to make a residual income stream?

In order to create your residual income stream, you need to make an effort and do some work and a good residual income formula. It may take weeks, months or even years of hard work in order to harvest the results of residual income that will come later.

It is interesting that most people say, "But working hard for a few months or years is a long time, I'm not ready to wait so long."

This is a psychological trap. Because usually a person works for about 30-40 years and after that he or she receives a pension. The principle of residual income is very similar but more profitable.

There is no need to deceive yourself, because if you just decide you want to make residual income and have more free time and money in the future, then you need to take action to change your life!

Watch this presentation to learn how to make residual income online:

What are the most common residual income types?

1. Investment or trading financial markets.

Includes investing funds in various financial institutions where you receive dividends in the form of profit or interest.


  • real estate
  • bank deposit
  • securities
  • Your Business (when we buy it)
  • Equipment rental

2. Intellectual residual income

Includes creating intellectual products and their further replication. According to this principle, many big online businesses were built. Once you create an ebook or a training course, you can continue selling it for years.


  • royalties for published books, 
  • songs, 
  • movie roles

3. Marketing

Includes the established marketing systems, such as commercial website or affiliate marketing

Sources of passive income:

  • affiliate programs
  • your own websites
  • blogging

Want to learn more about residual income? Watch this video about residual income model and how you can create your own residual income model:

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Residual Income Definition. How could you create residual income?

Residual income is a method of making money, which does not require much work and efforts. Residual income brings you money even if you are just sitting in front of the TV on the sofa.

Most of us dream of having lots of free time and doing things you love while generating residual income at the same time.

But not everything is so simple! Initially, in order to create a residual income, you need to work hard to create your income stream that will work for you later. You need to pick up a really good residual income opportunity that will bring you good interest. And of course you need to work on it and develop it very nicely! You should work well and efficiently on your idea, in order to being able to grab your residual income well-deserved money in the future!

To learn more about residual income definition, watch the presentation below:

How to Create A Residual Income Stream?

There are a number of ways to make residual income online. Below I have listed a few of them for you to consider:

1) Renting your own property.

This is a great option to get a stable residual income with minimum efforts.

Pros: You don't need to have any professional skills. This is a stable income source.

Cons: Initially, you need to buy a property, then to rent it :)

2) Invest your savings into the bank.

Pros: you are not required to work or do anything! The most important thing here is to choose a reliable bank.

Cons: small income (usually banks pay the lowest interest rate).

3) Create an informational site.

First of all you need to create a useful site, constantly fill it with interesting information for users, improve and develop it all the time! If your website is popular, you can earn on contextual advertising, promoting affiliate programs, etc.

Pros: a good source of residual income, which can grow constantly!

Cons: it will require a lot of time and effort, as well as expertise in the promotion and content writing in order to build a really good website. 

4) Investing.

Invest your savings into financial markets or  shares of companies.

Pros: this method is available for everyone and you may have a very good income (at least 30% growth a year).

Cons: You need to have a good knowledge in online trading and investing, as well as the ability to build financial strategies for long-term investment.

The video below will help you learn more about residual income and ways to create your own residual income source:

Learn how to make money with investing - free e-course >>

Residual income is the best way to gain your financial freedom. It is not that easy to create your residual income stream, but once you do it, you will see how rewarding it may be.